
                               Deterrence Regarding Medication in Environmental Devastation 

     For our project, our team fundamentally selected a topic that focuses on the hazardous chemicals that pharmaceuticals contain and their potential harm to the environment. According to EPA, when medication are incorrectly disposed of, (e.g. disposal by trowing in the garbage, or flushing down the commode) our environment is introduced to dangerous chemicals that may lead to devastating repercussions. NOAA speculates that water contamination, aquatic life complications, agricultural consequences and the influence of negative impact to human health are just a few of the abundant quantity of elemental contentions pharmaceuticals in the environment may cause.

          Pursuing this further, we ought to extend an indispensable example whom explains that the Edwards Aquifer is vital to the health and well-being of all nature and humans in and around our community in San Antonio, Texas. All of South Texas depends on the Edwards Aquifer’s water for domestic, agricultural, industrial, municipal, and recreational purposes. However, the contamination of our life-sustaining water supply is at risk of being contaminated by the consistent improper disposal of medications that end up in our environment.

     It has been discovered that an overwhelming majority of individuals in our community are not aware of the devastating elements that the incorrect disposal of pharmaceuticals lead to. Therefore, the main goal of our project to completely acknowledge this unheralded catastrophic environmental issue and educate our local community over this issue. Consequently, we will ensure that our environment is protected from the potential disastrous effects of the aforementioned controversy and perhaps Change The World. 


DR.MED:: Deterrence Regarding Medication in Environmental Devastation. We have taken up the cause for the proper disposal of pharmaceuticals and the education of the general public as to how this might be accomplished.
 The improper disposal of expired and unused medications is an issue that deeply concerns Team DR.MED. In this respective case we believe that we have an obligation to learn everything we can about this issue, through research and experimentation and then to find a way to resolve this challenge.
As student leaders in our STEM Academy, the members of this group have distinguished ourselves by serving our academy and our community. We united under a common concern and worked productively to reach a resolution and improve our community.

DR.MED will be interacting with the community through the course of this project and will update regularly over our discoveries as we complete the DR.MED project. We imply that you please add any questions,  concerns or simply comments that you may have pertaining to anything in general over our community issue.